I have a pretty odd question. Very recently I remembered about Sarah and her works. I read all her books between 2015 and 2016 but later I lost my interest in the ship so I kinda forgot her at the time. At some point I stopped getting notifications about her posting new works and I suppose I just never noticed... Anyway, one day I remembered, I searched my library and I didn't find anything so I went onto a search and I found you, your support group and consequently her new account
Now, to the actual question lol. Do you know anything about Sarah's.. friend? I remember she was another kellic fic writer, I read all her fics too and I saw them talking in the comment sections often. However, I always found her intimidating lol and I think that contributed in me completely not remembering what her username or name in general might be. But as Sarah's fan you must have an idea of who am I talking about?? Please, I know it's random but it's just so frustrating because I just can't find anything...