
Do you know what's interesting? How I got this account back. If any of you remember I deleted this account years ago. I don't remember when but I had made a new account. So, when you delete a wattpad account, all your information is supposed to be deleted within 24 or 48 hours. (i don't know the exact number) Ok ok makes sense. I just got it back before that time. NOPE. This account was "deleted" for MONTHS! And I regretted it. So. my new account was made under my main email which is the one this one is under. One day I decided to sign into my wattpad account on a different browser and  BAM. it opened this account up. Just imagine. Sitting there for months realizing that you'd never get that old account back. That was me. Until I SOMEHOW GOT IT BACK. I don't understand how I got it by just signing in to my account. No idea but I'm happy with it back


Do you know what's interesting? How I got this account back. If any of you remember I deleted this account years ago. I don't remember when but I had made a new account. So, when you delete a wattpad account, all your information is supposed to be deleted within 24 or 48 hours. (i don't know the exact number) Ok ok makes sense. I just got it back before that time. NOPE. This account was "deleted" for MONTHS! And I regretted it. So. my new account was made under my main email which is the one this one is under. One day I decided to sign into my wattpad account on a different browser and  BAM. it opened this account up. Just imagine. Sitting there for months realizing that you'd never get that old account back. That was me. Until I SOMEHOW GOT IT BACK. I don't understand how I got it by just signing in to my account. No idea but I'm happy with it back


hi, I wrote you a message few months ago and in case you were wondering, I found out who Sarah's friend was - Rachel, user name imnotpoppunk. I found it by going through my old screenshots (April 2016, not that old I guess lol). so yeah, there's that. 


I have a pretty odd question. Very recently I remembered about Sarah and her works. I read all her books between 2015 and 2016 but later I lost my interest in the ship so I kinda forgot her at the time. At some point I stopped getting notifications about her posting new works and I suppose I just never noticed... Anyway, one day I remembered, I searched my library and I didn't find anything so I went onto a search and I found you, your support group and consequently her new account
          Now, to the actual question lol. Do you know anything about Sarah's.. friend? I remember she was another kellic fic writer, I read all her fics too and I saw them talking in the comment sections often. However, I always found her intimidating lol and I think that contributed in me completely not remembering what her username or name in general might be. But as Sarah's fan you must have an idea of who am I talking about?? Please, I know it's random but it's just so frustrating because I just can't find anything...


@TheRosemaryWest its not a problem
            I am sure they are both doing ok but everyone has to move on and grow up sometimes. Sarah probably won't be coming back to wattpad so the best to do is find new writers and support their works


okay, thanks for responding though!
            see, the thing is that these two were the only kellic writers whose works I've read so to see all of the kellic fics gone from my library was pretty disappointing.. I hope they're both doing good at the moment. 


@TheRosemaryWest I sadly do not remember who she/he was. I remember her commenting on her account a lot but I mainly kept to reading her books. I am sorry I can't provide you anymore information but I am sure some other fans know who they are. Best the luck to you