
"On December 21 I want to do something amazing. ALL Larry shippers need to unfollow the One Direction twitter account. We will show them how many fans will be left without the Larry shippers. Then we need to trend #larryshippersonstrike. We will show management how powerful we are. Spread this around ALL social medias. Let's do this for Louis and Harry." taken from Tumblr image: @snapbackkian
          	"This needs to happen...put this on all social media sites you know and let them feel the power of the larries."  By: Tumblr @harryfttommox


"On December 21 I want to do something amazing. ALL Larry shippers need to unfollow the One Direction twitter account. We will show them how many fans will be left without the Larry shippers. Then we need to trend #larryshippersonstrike. We will show management how powerful we are. Spread this around ALL social medias. Let's do this for Louis and Harry." taken from Tumblr image: @snapbackkian
          "This needs to happen...put this on all social media sites you know and let them feel the power of the larries."  By: Tumblr @harryfttommox


How many of you out there is an Asian directioner,hence no one you know is a directioner,you are forced to order 1D merch online as 1D is not well known in your country,and your family does not know who is One Direction, simply classifying them as a 'eurasian' band when you admit your dedication. *Raises hand*