I've had a couple of messages, saying that I need to stick to one fiction, rather than having a couple out and editing them at different times.
I have very different books out at the moment. I have a social media told story, from 2013 onwards, about the relationship between Harry and Betsy and their family and friends. I also have my latest book out, ANNA (Canyon Moon), and then a couple of others that I haven't really been focusing on recently.
When I think of an idea for a book, I write notes and quotes, and sometimes I'm way too eager. But, I don't see why it's a big problem? Each book has a different storyline, different characters, differnet settings and different time frames.
The thing is, I am sometimes in the mood to do the social media book, which is quite fun to just add photos and comments etc. and sometimes I feel like doing ANNA for example, which is more of a story, and takes a bit more time and concentration.
I'm actually thinking of keeping HS ONLINE and ANNA up, and then 'unpublishing' the others. They'll still be there for me, when I'm in the mood to edit, or when I've finished one of these.
But, please don't send messages like I've been receiveing. If you like ONE of my books, great! Comment, vote and share. If there's one you don't, oh well.
Thank you for the lovely messages too, I see them all! It means so much, and gives me the motivation to keep writing!
LoVe YoU gUyS!
B x