
Hey guys!!! 
          	So a bit of an update on the Macaque chapter, it’ll definitely be out soon! 
          	I’m sorry so many of my posts have such large gaps in between them, I’ve been in school and I’m currently stressed to no bounds since I have exams next week AUSGSHHHHH…
          	Not to mention the other day wattpad randomly decided to delete half my progress on that chapter..
          	But other than that, things are going okay and I should have the next chapter out soon as I’m nearing 4K words on it
          	A lot is kind of filler and a bit of insight to the reader’s perspective but I’m doing my best to reach those word counts man (;´д`)
          	Hope you guys have a great day/night!


@olinartz tale your time and please take care of yourself ‼️‼️‼️ :]


@olinartz take however long you need!! i’m so happy that you’re writing and working on this story, i’m so sooo glad i found it!!:3


Hey there Olin, I am SUCH a big fan of your “Fate Lies Within” story, and I was wondering if you would ever consider having an editor for that story? Of course, I’m not trying to say you’re a bad writer or anything, I think you’re an amazing writer, but I could just help make sure all the grammar, spelling, and capitalization are good. If you would rather not have an editor for your story, I COMPLETELY respect that, this is just an offer from a large fan of your writing skills. :>


Oh that’s totally alright! It was simply an offer and I totally understand that you wouldn’t want to have an editor. :D


I have considered it in the past but decided it would be best not to do so since I have a very specific way u like to do things when writing—
            Thank you for the offer though I really appreciate it and I’m so glad you enjoy my story :)


Hey guys!!! 
          So a bit of an update on the Macaque chapter, it’ll definitely be out soon! 
          I’m sorry so many of my posts have such large gaps in between them, I’ve been in school and I’m currently stressed to no bounds since I have exams next week AUSGSHHHHH…
          Not to mention the other day wattpad randomly decided to delete half my progress on that chapter..
          But other than that, things are going okay and I should have the next chapter out soon as I’m nearing 4K words on it
          A lot is kind of filler and a bit of insight to the reader’s perspective but I’m doing my best to reach those word counts man (;´д`)
          Hope you guys have a great day/night!


@olinartz tale your time and please take care of yourself ‼️‼️‼️ :]


@olinartz take however long you need!! i’m so happy that you’re writing and working on this story, i’m so sooo glad i found it!!:3


Hi Olin! It's good to see you're doing well and better bad days are going to dissappear soon and take your free days to rest as much as your body and mind need ☆ were here to suport you on everything so stay well and comfy! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ


Hey Olin! I don’t know if you’re reading these or whatever is going on in your life, but if you read this (or even if you don’t) I hope you’re doing alright and are happy! I care about you a lot even if I don’t know you, and I really do hope you’re alright!:)


Hi I’m doing okay yes! Just dealing with horrible burn out and stress!!! I’m hoping to post this chapter soon but I’m not too sure when j can; but I do have a lot more free time now so I’ll do what I can! thank you so much for your guys concern it means the world to me 


no idea if you’re still alive or not, but i just wanted to tell you that if there’s anything that’s troubling you, you can talk to us about it!! eat, rest - stay healthy!! we love ya !!


Yeah I’m okay just been dealing w a lot of burn out, school, medical things, etc.. I’m completely okay so don’t worry :)


Good afternoon/evening dear author, we are very worried about you because you have not appeared on your channel for a very long time.If it’s not difficult for you, then please give a sign that everything is fine with you. We love you very much and wish you all the best.


I’m okay I promise! I really appreciate everyone’s concern :) I’ve just been dealing with stuff in my personal life that’s caused me stress and burn out, j assure you I’m fine!