
Does anyone why wattpad changed my profile picture without so much as even notifying me first?


Would like to apologize this was for any probable mean comment that came from me, I must say that I haven't been on wattpad for a month and a half now, and I think someone may have hacked my account, once again, I truly am sorry for any hurtful thing that came, the only reason I figured this out because I got an email saying someone replied to my comment, and that was not written by me. Once again, sorry.


No and it is quite annoying. I can't think of anyone who would hack into this account. It's useless.


Do you know who your were hacked by?


Past life . . . music and drums . . .  ahhhh the band you love, Script . . . music and drums . . . so this thing you can't "even speak of" . . . can you write about it masking what really happened inside the fiction and characters of your story?? If not, Passive Aggressive, start a new novel . . . 


@MaitreyaTheNovel unfortunately not, it's way ti hard to even speak of it.. Oh yes yes, I do believe in past lives! I think I had something to do with music, and drums, since I have an enormous attraction to both which I cannot explain why. Not in my country, home schooling doesn't exist, and art schools are mostly for painters and I can't even draw a stick figure properly..


Just looked over your profile . . . aren't you one of a kind . . . I can relate . . . love writing, believe in Karma . . . do you also believe in past lives? If so, what do you think you were in your last past life?? Hate school . . . how about switching to home schooling or a charter school for the arts?? Just watched the Script video . . . I can see why you like them!! How about writing the lyrics for a song for them and sending it to the band member you like the best!! Isn't it something how they can reach into the hearts and souls of so many thousands of fans with their music and words . . . as a writer you have the same potential!! But, even if you write just for yourself and your wattpad fans, that's important too . . .


Hey, don't delete it yet . . . just read the first chapter and I'm hooked . . . what's up with Jake . . . but much more important, what's up with the "major problems" you're dealing with. One good way to "deal" and process is to incorporate what you're going through into your characters and your story . . . would that be possible with Passive Aggressive??