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I’ve just finished reading what you’ve written so far of the Auto Mechanic and the Mafia. 
          Please do not leave the story hanging!!!!
          There is so many parts of the storyline left unwritten. The revenge on the Mexicans and utilise the cars Becks made which seems a major point of the whole story. Also obviously her recovery and see her in badass mode again beside Marco. It also raised questions if perhaps her mother had something to do with her kidnapping (why didn’t they just kill Marco as mafia boss in the hotel?). Could mother have done a dirty deal with Mexicans behind Spanish Mafias back? And what of her disappearing father that needs answering - does he show up with a hand in the scheme of things?  Would love to see her take revenge on both parents showing what she’s capable of and as part of her healing process. 
          Plus a happy ending?? Having her finally move-in, permanently leaving her old life and struggles behind. Does Marco paying off debts or hand the father over to deal with consequences, Thus allowing her to stop overworking . Marco and Enzos’s Mum’s finally provide parental love and guys a loving family also helping heal Becks. 
          After successful Mexican takedown using crazy modified cars, recognition for her genius and kick-ass skill should showcase - she not just Mafia arm candy/trophy wife! And her dream of starting her own car shop. 
           finally, a romantic engagement and extravagant whimsical wedding letting her experience the fairytale that all little girls dream of but was crushed so young as she never thought possible. 
          Love Interests for the other guys too after teasing Marco? It’d be nice to see them each find love by rescuing trafficked girls in Mexico or meeting mafia girls at celebrations for engagement and Wedding/or sheer coincidence. Enzo’s love interest especially could be quite comical!!
          Hope your find motivation to finish story. Or maybe just reread your own work. Such great characters deserve a fantastic finish to their story.