Hey, no reason to apologize, you're helping a lot of people with your covers, so of course you have to manage your time. I really apreciate the effort you've put into creating these covers for me, I think they're all gorgeous, though I probably like the second one best.
A couple of things I have to mention, though:
First, as the name of the author, I prefer 'Adnana James' instead of my Wattpad username 'Adnana7', and I think I mentioned this in my post.
Second, I should have mentioned thia as well: for narrative purposes, the heart medallion has to be quite small, so that it could be worn beneath a shirt, without creating too much of a telltale elevation.
Just a simple, discreet necklace. My ideal heart necklace looks somewhat like the in this picture I found on the Internet (not with the diamond, necessarily), at http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/elenathewise/elenathewise0901/elenathewise090100163/4160347-heart-pendant-with-diamond-with-a-pink-rose.jpg, so actually, the cover I currently use, doesn't quite fit my purpose either.
I'll probably have to keep begging cover artists to help me out ;), or maybe give up on the necklace idea altogether.