
Right, I come back on after a while of things like real life and going outside (Ughh) and I have 10 messages and 291 notifications!? I'm flattered and all but really, 291?! Are you guys that impatient? Look I don't mean to be rude but if things come up you don't spam me. I like having these amount of things but DAMNNN does it take time to go through. I'm 15 now, I won't be updating any of my fanfictions. Sorry. All, OVER. I will just be reading on here now. Sorry.


Right, I come back on after a while of things like real life and going outside (Ughh) and I have 10 messages and 291 notifications!? I'm flattered and all but really, 291?! Are you guys that impatient? Look I don't mean to be rude but if things come up you don't spam me. I like having these amount of things but DAMNNN does it take time to go through. I'm 15 now, I won't be updating any of my fanfictions. Sorry. All, OVER. I will just be reading on here now. Sorry.


thank you for following


@_kiss_the_sky_ no problem. scroll through my books while your here :)