
At this moment i have a déjà vu and a loss of memory at the same time. I think I have forgotten this before. 


So this conversation is about additedtocoffee6 my co account or ex co account...
          So Sarah left saying she wouldn't be back for at least 6 months, after changing the password :(...then i got a new phone and am lock out of the account... So that sucks. So if anyone is interested in reading the rest of yin i will write it on my account but only if requested. If you've seen the conversation about "cat people" she choose not to do that. But i will i don't know what she was thinking they would be like as the idea didn't get to far. But they will be in the book "darkwell" on my account...
          Any way that happened so yeah... 


So apparently I am now the co author or co owner something like that of @addictedtocoffee6 because she got over head or something and wasn't on as much as she'd like to be. So she asked me write random crap (not really she has everything planned out) so I had nothing to do and agreed so I guess follow us...


Answer my PM!!!! 


@addictedtocoffee6 I think you'd be the jester if anyone in the royal court... Now serious Convo in PM's...


@addictedtocoffee6 Of course! I didn't earn the title Drama Queen by watching soaps! I worked hard for it! Respect me for I am your better!! 


@addictedtocoffee6 Must you always be so dramatic? 


That moment when you're not sure if people think you've disappeared because you haven't been as active... I check my notifications every day, I don't know if I get them all...But I check...It may be 4 am and I may not have slept, it's debatable... I think I'm just rambling... I'ma gonna push notify followers button anyway... Haha disrupted your day and now you just read all that boring crap...Ha!! It may not be as debatable as I thought...Cheese gold.


So everyone knows I might not be on as much. My internet connection is going from two or three bars to zero for no reason, I'm sitting here not moving my phone at all and it's going down. Maybe a phone pole is down or something. I'm in the same room that am always in sitting on the same spot... At least Wattpad is letting me write out of signal..


How does wattpad tap work? Anyone know?


@GraceDrescher  um OK. I might download it because I don't know what you mean. You're probably explaining it right I just don't get it. 


@olympius oh ok. Super easy, you choose a story and you tap to see the conversation.


@GraceDrescher  I would have replied sooner but stuff got in the way. Yeah I know that you have to have the app I was wondering how the app works


I feel like I should have goals as a writer on here... what are good goals to have? Votes? Anyone have any suggestions? I'll go with votes for now.....


@lanamichealis sounds good to me


@olympius. Just start a story And make finishing it your goal or something. Idk


Hey so I just realized I have been on wattpad for two years this March yeah I have said something last month (March) but I don't own a calendar.  So yeah. Two years of my life, I'm not really the same person I was when I started. I was so cheerful and I actually updated books and followed people before it's weird.
          ~ fades to memory land~ me writing mean while on Olympus and random, me laughing at teenage posts books, me following those 300 people for no reason~comes back to reality like a slap in the face~ me unfollowing all but like 30 of those people, me never writing anything anymore, me reading random romance books and giving up three parts in on most of them, me just sitting here waiting for people to pm me... So I should probably let you get back to what ever it was that you were doing.