
i have an essay to write so obviously i will procrastinate with writing


So my new fic idea was somewhat inspired by the fic frozen heart by swagdirection but mine is a luke fic and idk like luke has lost his humanity/the spirits have darkened his soul and the romantic interest is gifted with sun powers by the light spirits and like they are supposed to have this big battle but luke knows all about this and the romantic interest doesn't so like the spirits tell luke he is ready to face his "enemy" and he travels to where this person lives and starts going to school there and he sees him/her and like decides he wants to kill them in a certain way and that involves him sticking around a little longer. And these boys won't stop trying to talk to him, and then he realises its really weird of him to live alone and people are going to wonder how he affords the apartment he has (he intimated the building owner with his powers and threatened to kill his family if he said anything to anyone) so he gets a job in this music shop because music is the only thing about humanity he still doesn't hate and then his love interest walks in and they work there too and they start grilling luke about his favourite music and luke just shrugs because he hasn't exactly heard a lot of music since he ran away from home when he was seven and hes only come in contact with people when hes killed them and spirits aren't exactly into music. So the girl/guy starts like picking out all these albums from the store and throws them into luke's arms and says he can't work at a music store without liking music and before luke knows it she/he is slamming some money into the cash register and he has a bag full of new music to listen to and he feels something inside him, and he isn't quite sure what it is and basically yeah his love interest slowly helps him get his soul back but like he still keeps his powers ya feel


to make it lashton or make it het is the question