
I will be deleting At The Worst Possible Time soon. I have lost motivation to write it and lost the whole plot line. It will be deleted by the end of today hopefully. Until next time!


Hi hi hi guys!! Alright so heres the deal! The story Late Nights on my page was written by me and my great friend BlissfulVanity as you all know. Well after a lot if talking we decided we were going to write more books together so why not create a shared account?!! ITS SOO EXCITING!!!! I KNOW!!! So Late Nights is being deleted from my page but never fear! Its already up on the other account which is, BlissfulOmega btw. ALSO, i am currently working on a new book, At The Worst Possible Time. My one shot book is just kinda sitting there because writers block so yay!! Requests will be taken for that as of now just PM me. I will be publishing another Letters To Friends book whenever i get around to it. Until next update, bye bye!!


I will be deleting DBB and MMI because i have more stories on the way but i cannot continue with that series. I'm sorry. In addition to my one shot book A Million Reasons To Love You I will be publishing a new book shortly but its a surprise ;) so you guys will have to wait a while but until i publish the surprise book and my one shot book DBB and MMI will stay up afterwards i will be deleting them


No this is not an update about my books. I don't know when they will be coming out don't ask. I would like to apologize for a few things though. I would like to apologize to my friends Mystery_otaku88 , BlissfulVanity , and thesilentneednowords. I have caused a lot of trouble for them unknowingly (I also thank them for putting up with me) I am so sorry for any thing i have done to you three that made you upset or mad. I take full responsibility and I will try not to do it again.
          And to all of my followers, you might not hear from me for a while as I have made the decision to go mute for spring break. Until next time…


Hello again my lovely followers. I would just like to say that i am putting My Mirror Image and Dear Big Brother on hold for a while...I apologize, but I have to focus on the new books I am trying to get out. I have considered republishing my letters to friends book to help with my stress. I'm not saying it will happen for sure but it is a maybe. Goodbye for now!


HELLO MY PUPS!!! (Idk...) BlissfulVanity and I will be publishing a book together soon!!! Its a Humanstuck!KatNep fanfiction!!! Yay!!! It will be published on my account though seeing as she already has tons of books. Also my new one shot book, A Day In The Life Of... will be published next month hopefully!! MysteryOtaku_88 will be writing the first chapter for me!! I can't wait!!! Until next time!!! 


Hello my lovely followers~!! I will soon be creating a book of one-shots for you guys!! I need help choosing a title for the book though because heh umm I'm not hood with book titles.... It will just be a book of pairings from suggestions you guys give me! Whether the ship is from a book or an anime or a show it can be of any two people or even a character x reader ship!! All you have to do is give me a setting and any details about the characters!! That sound fair?