
Cheating Ginny Weasley x Male Gryffindor reader x Hermione Granger
          FYI: the reader's gifted with the ability to create clones by snapping his fingers. And one of them, is a demonic version of himself; his dark side. When the clones are defeated, a cloud of green smoke forms as they vanish into thin air
          He's also a master of Ninjutsu, and he uses his gift for training.
          Plot: the reader catches Ginny making out with Harry and breaks up with her.
          After breaking up with Ginny, he storms into the Forbidden Forest to calm down.
          With a snap of his fingers, he surrounds himself with clones and prepares for battle.
          Meanwhile Hermione's looking for him, and Luna informs her of where he is.
          Hermione finds the reader fightin' his dark side and he is victorious.
          The reader notices Hermione and explains the situation.
          Hermione reveals that she wanted to be his girlfriend ever since they first met.
          They plan on meeting up in the Prefects Bathroom at midnight.
          On his way to lunch, the reader encounters Ginny, who tries to get back together with him. But he reveals that Hermione's his girlfriend now, and he never wants to see Ginny again.
          Without another word, he storms away, leaving her crying behind him.
          At 11:50 P.M, Hermione's in the Prefects Bathroom, getting ready. She turns on the Cinnamon-scented bubbles and the bath is filled in seconds. At that moment, Hermione removes her bathrobe and enters the hot water.
          The reader arrives 10 minutes later and joins her.
          Hermione tells him that she knows how he feels. Because Ron had dumped her for Lavender.
          But the reader calmly states that there's no need to worry about them. He even offers to let her stay in his dorm with him from now on.
          Hermione accepts his offer and they make out passionately


Note: This is a request for your Harry Potter one shots book