Period joke #1
Harry:"You said you needed to go to the store, what do you need plugs or something?"
Tessa: "Plugs?"
H:"You know to plug yourself."
T:"I don't get it." I tell him.
H:"Do you ever have a period?"
T:"Oh my god,Harry stop talking about it."
H:"What?You embarrassed to talk about your period with me?"
T:"I'm not embarrassed.It is just inappropriate."
H:"We have done quite inappropriate things Theresa."
T:"Don't call me Theresa and stop talking about it."
H:"Are you bleeding now?"
T:"No.."I lie.
H:"So you wouldn't mind if" his hand slips into the top of my panties.
T: "Harry!"I squeal and remove his hand.
H:"Admit then,say I am on my period"he taunts.
T:"No,I'm not saying that."
H:"Come on,it's just a little blood."
T:"You are disgusting"
H:"I'm bloody amazing."He smiles obviously proud of his ridiculous joke.
T:"You're obnoxious."
H:"You need to lighten up,learn to go with the flow."He laughes harder.
T:"Okay,if I say it will you stop with the menstrual jokes?"
H:"I'm not making jokes.Period."
T:"I am on my period,I just started right before you got home."
H:"Why are you embarrassed by it?"
T:"I'm not I just think it's smth that women should discuss."
H:"it's not a big deal,I don't mind a little blood."
T:"You're gross."
H:"I've been called worse."
T:"You're in a good mood today."
H:"Maybe you would be too if it wasn't that time of month."
T:"Can we talk about something else?"
H:"Sure...sure someone's bloody panties are in a twist."He laughes.