


I no loner trust ANYONE!! I was completely betrayed. I'm completely alone now. Oliva isn't real. I can't get it through my mind. She's been fake all along. All those nights where I cry myself to sleep thinking about what she's going through. Then she "died" and I completely felt alone. Meanwhile, I was only alone to begin with. She's not real. She's fake. There was no such thing as Oliva Grace Hudseen. And to think I actually believed you. It's rEDICULOUS. That was one of the most depressing months of my life. Do you realize that I was actually thinking about dying? Do you realize that I wanted to die? No, and I'm sick of treating this bs I'm sorry. I still love you (you know who you are) but I'm really disappointed, I mean I know it was a really hard time in your life and it still is. But please, if you're reading this (person who created Oliva) don't kill yourself. I still love you to death. In fact I'm in love with you. I miss when we were dating and I really just want you back. I can forgive you for doing this. But I just have one question. Why?


I'm sorry wattpad but this is a trick. Idk someone of my friends I can't say who BC it's rude made this fake account of a girl with cancer why. I always knew my friends passwords and something was always fishy about this acc so I tried it and it worked. There was never an Oliva Grace Hudseen, there was no Isabella Hudseen and there was NO Julia. They are all nonexistent unless you count me sobbing my life out onto my pillow for these fake girls and freaking making my life miserable for the month of October 2015. I thought I actually made some friends but now I'm just so mad and sad and I just can't believe they're not actually real. This is freaking insane. I prayed for these girls and I prayed for the parents of these girls and I prayed for everyone who ever knew these girls. But do you know what? This was all just ONE BIG LIE!!!!! Nobody knows what the hell I went through with this "people" yeah no. It was one person behind her iPad screen laughing her ass off at me crying my eyes out. And that's just not okay. I know this person was going through a rough time in her life but this is just so out of hand that I can't even bare to think about it much longer. I apologize to the people in the world that actually thought there WAS an Oliva, Julia, and Izzy. I really apologize even though this was not at all my fault. I'm so disappointed. It seemed so freaking real. I just can't...


          Isabella (Izzy) Carol Hudseen
          she commited suicide last night at 4 AM
          because she missed her sister and wanted to be with her
          long live Izzy!



