Hi, is it bad that I'm still reading your Supernatural Sister imagines book probably for the 10000th time? Can you blame me? Not only iz the book amazing, but Sam, Dean, amd Y/n, as well as Jared, Jensen, and Y/n are all amazing. My favorite parts would be where y/n is a werewolf, as well as the instagram and tumblr posts. And the bloopers and incorrect quotes. Thank you so much for all the incredible work you put into that book. Now that Jared, Jensen, amd Misha have come back, have you thought of continuing it? Maybe they all have a big reunion where they talk about memories in the past? Or you could do a bonus chapter for that one big cast reunion they did in the live video call? And Y/n is in it and they all talk about how incredible it was to see her grow up from a baby to the present time and further more in the future, as well as how poud they are of her.