Yesterday, was an awful day. Yesterday the guy that I've liked for two years died, he was only 16, it makes you realize that we don't know when our time will come. The thing that's really bothering me is the fact that his own girlfriend doesn't seem as upset as I am. That really pisses me off, but I'm not mad, I haven't stopped crying long enough to be pissed. I've liked him for two years and he only saw me as his best friend, pain has become normal to me lately, and not just because of this. The thing that is really upsetting me is; I was the last person he talked to over the phone, I don't know whether I should feel lucky or feel bad for his girlfriend. I don't know what I feel anymore, the tears won't stop, and I don't know what to do anymore. I'm tired of being tired. -Leet
@omqscreaminqNeil I hope you are doing ok. I was 16 when my brother passed away from a car accident. Thinking about you, dear.