
New chapter posted on my 1D 1Shots! Prepare yourself. I definitely cried while writing it.


Heyyy peeps!!
          It’s May 15th 2022 and guess who’s logged back into the account they had forgotten about for like 4 years, but is finally back in??... ME!
          I’m so sorry I’ve been gone for so long. But like I said I honestly had forgotten about this account. Oops.
          In those four years I’ve been on two of my other Wattpad accounts, but I’m still not that active of a publisher.
          I have put the username of my other backup Wattpad account in my bio in case you’re interested in checking that account out. (Which in turn your fine my main account’s username is That account’s bio)
          I mostly just have a TON of drafts and wips on my accounts. (Seriously tho, like 30+.. They just don’t get posted tho, cuz I never get very far. #StupidWriter’sBlock) But you might find a few random published works.
          On my other side account (the account you’ll find in this account’s bio) I’ve also just started working on a original work. I’m not very far, and only have a “casting chapter” published, but I’ve gotten a little ways through it. (a lot for me, anyways) so that’s exciting!!
          I will still probably be on the other 2 accounts mostly, since most of my wips are there, I but will continue to check in on this one too and will probably end up doing account roulette.
          And that’s really about it Lol
          Thank you for your patience. Lots of love xx


Hello there! It is I, flashy_barryallen I made this second account so I could post my 1shots that I’m working on here. I just felt weird about having them on the other, for reasons. However, I will still use that other account. So hopefully I can kept both active by coming and writing on Wattpad more. Hopefully I can actually get things posted & published! Thank for your time! -Leah