Im Jazmine. I spend more time in my phone, Netflix, and YouTube then my life span will allow me to. I will write romantic stories, but I have never had a romance, because who need guys when Netflix is always there for you! On that note, that means that they might not be that accurate to actual romances, but I've read enough books on it,  SO BE IT! I hope you read one of my stories, I actually am going to write them, and once I'm done with the book, I'm going to publish it all because I know how annoying it is to wait forever for someone to update, so might as well jump right in and complete it! I am currently working on a romance story so yeah. Hope you like it! I'll update it when it's done so in about probably 2 months....SORRY
  • Дата регистрацииSeptember 11, 2014


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