So I guess I have some explaining to do.
I know I promised that the sequel to Every Day would be ready by the end of the month but I'm afraid it's going to take a little longer than that...
Any long-term readers of mine will probably know that I struggle with poor physical and mental health, which makes it extremely difficult for me to update regularly.
Although I'm much better at handling my mental health these days, my physical health isn't too good right now so I don't have any time or energy to spare on writing on here - which saddens me very much as I adore my stories very much and miss them when I can't work on them.
I'm also back at uni now so any writing I am doing is for my degree and I can't use any writing for that if it's already published online - which is so annoying because I would love to share all my work with you all!
Because of all these reasons I'm not sure when exactly the sequel will be ready. I have written a lot of it, but none of it has been edited and I'm definitely not going to publish something that I'm not 100% happy with, you guys deserve better than that!
I hope you all understand and aren't too disappointed. The sequel is coming, I promise, and I have high hopes for it!
Thank you so much for your support!