Hiiii! Yesterday I posted my first book! Well, only the prologue but ANYWAY. Read it and leave me your opinion here or in the comments and if you want part 1 vote!!!!!!
Thank you for your time and have a great day!
Hiiii! Yesterday I posted my first book! Well, only the prologue but ANYWAY. Read it and leave me your opinion here or in the comments and if you want part 1 vote!!!!!!
Thank you for your time and have a great day!
@the_leprechaun13 pai, incerc sa aduc un proiect de reciclare si in romania si am nevoie de multe semnaturi la petitia mea pentru a le atrage atentia celor responsabili si ma gandeam ca poate ai outea macar sami dai o parere sau o idee idk accept si comentariile negative