Hey guys! 365 Days of Destroying each other, Part 1 and 2 are out! Part 3 is coming out later today. Hope you enjoy the story, I'm still a newbie writer. Not a lot of romance yet but the drama is stirring! (If you want to know whose chapter it is, Marie or Emma, check the photos. Marie is the blonde and Emma has short hair. You'll know when you see it). As the story goes on, I'm willing to change the plot up a bit if you would like more love. Should Emma end up with AJ in the end because when Mari- oops no spoilers!! But as the story foes on, just tell me if you want a plot twist and I'll decide if I should change it! Lots of love and keep reading... (Book cover is so pretty! Thanks a lot sis, who made the cover!!) Mwah, don't stop being bitches