
oh its the secret I said about its a very special pic to me and my best friend


Well first of all I broke my ankle today I haven't had chocolate and thats a secret I can't tell sorry I promise someone


Totally understand i keep secrets so ill just try to find out on my own sorry for yo lost (im talkin about the chocolate) i guess the ankle is bad too but not the CHOCOLATE NOOO!!!!!! :3
            ReadingRed SPEAKS


          That was based on a true story my turn:
          One day there was a one fish person and I had peanut butter
          One fish had chocolate then one fish fell!!!!
          "My chocolate!!!!!" That's was the last thing that was said before the chocolate splatted on the peanut butter 
          "Nooooo my only thing I loved!!!" As I said that my 3 year old sister pops up and and crossers her arms
          "Uh one of the things I loved'" I corrected as she walked away
          One fish turned to me and took I bite of what happen and so did I 
          And that how my favorite food(besides majestic peanut butter ) Reese's was invented
          We bow and we stare at the snoring audience and we fall and sleep as well
          The end!!!!