Hello! My name is Isabella Joanne Soqui Smit, but everyone calls me either Izzy or Iz. I'm 14 years old, going to be a freshman in high school! I'm homeschooled, and no, I do have a social life and I have two amazing best friends, Kass and Kevin. I'm also a competitive ice skater! I'm the current Intermediate Regional Champion. I moved up to Novice this year though :) My role models are my coaches, Angela Nikodinov and Ivan Dinev.  I live with my grandparents in Southern California. My favorite color is green, I'm Catholic, and I've liked the same boy for 2.5 years. I've been told I have a great sense of humor, beautiful eyes, and an unhealthy obsession with Wattpad! I don't really write, but I LOVE reading! Follow me and I will follow you back!!

  • California
  • JoinedJuly 16, 2013