Yeah, it shows. I found exactly one typo in the whole thing. It wasn't wrong word usage, either, but a typo... somewhere in the last 3 parts. I would have stopped and told you where it was, but that would have required stopping, and then I forgot. In fact, I TOTALLY forgot until I read this message just now. Whoops. Sorry, man.
I know exactly what you mean about repetition. It makes me cringe so hard that it hurts. Contradiction drives me nuts, too. Don't tell me the family had rabbit stew next to the fire by the wagon on the prairie in the first part, then tell me you're trying rabbit for the first time near the end. It ruins everything. Might as well spray bleach on a freshly baked cake.
I honestly don't mind when authors post stuff here that isn't 100% finished when they're asking for eyes other than their own to find the proofreading stuff they missed, if they're taking the feedback and fixing the oopses. I had to get used to it, but I equate it to when I'd write an essay for class and needed fresh eyes to help me find my own errors before turning it in. It's when an author posts "I know there's typos, wrong words, misspellings, etc in here and don't tell me because I don't care!" that I get seriously peeved. I might finish that story if the story itself is interesting/good, but I rarely follow another by them. If they don't care, well... I don't care either.
But yeah... someone who can actually write well, has good stories to tell AND posts fully edited/proofread work is seriously after my own heart. I'll support that to the best of my ability, every chance I get.