
To all of my followers, I just wanted to give you an update...... chapter two revised is almost finished.... I plan to hopefully have two and three done by the weekend so my readers have a couple more chapters... I am sorry I have been very busy with my homework and class projects lately.... hope to put those chapters up soon.


To all of my followers, I just wanted to give you an update...... chapter two revised is almost finished.... I plan to hopefully have two and three done by the weekend so my readers have a couple more chapters... I am sorry I have been very busy with my homework and class projects lately.... hope to put those chapters up soon.


Dear readers I'm writing this to you because I've realized that I may have created a dream boy in my story,  and also that Carter Maybe a little too perfect. so I just want to let those of you who are reading Levi's jeans know that I am going to be going through the entire book thus far and considering rewriting some of the things that are already in the book I may take some things out I'm a change chapters around I might remove people in the story you've already met change it up a little bit thrown back in or I might just leave them out I would love to hear all of your input and would love to know what you thought of this story thus far any input you have to make the story better or any plot you think you want to see I'm very open to ideas and I would love to hear from my readers about what you think or where you think the stories should be going.  so again I want to thank you for reading Levi's jeans and I'm sorry that I'm going to be tearing the story into pieces and puzzling it back together but I hope in the end this will be better for my readers and I hope they enjoy it so let me know what you guys think any ideas you might have I would love to hear from you.  also sorry for all the non punctuation and grammatical errors in this little paragraph for you guys I am using this new microphone document typer and it's good except for it doesn't put in commas or anything like that unless   you literally say the word of the grammatical punctuation you want to put in there which isn't Fun.


staining furniture and coming up with new chapterssss!!! love diy projects


@onelove1130 this is my new account here (i couldnt remember the password to my other one).