girl so fr i have every one of my stories plotted out until the end (including original stories I haven't published) but sitting down and actually writing them is so hard and that's the entire reason i go years w/o writing.
like growing pains? plotted out. Ashley's prima? Plotted out. I just can't sit down and write the individual interactions and dialogue it's so borrrinnnggg
plus i started both of those stories when i was fourteen and i'm twenty next month. Like its so hard to want to complete fics that I had the motivation to write on new years eve sophomore year (ryan meets world) when I'm just not that person anymore =( like i used to write to avoid apush assignments now I go thru my drafts when I want to avoid college assignments. It's crazy.
@oneofthepotterheads maybe you should sit down and think about what you want to do you could rewrite them now or discontinue them and maybe start new stories for shows that your interested in now
girl so fr i have every one of my stories plotted out until the end (including original stories I haven't published) but sitting down and actually writing them is so hard and that's the entire reason i go years w/o writing.
like growing pains? plotted out. Ashley's prima? Plotted out. I just can't sit down and write the individual interactions and dialogue it's so borrrinnnggg
plus i started both of those stories when i was fourteen and i'm twenty next month. Like its so hard to want to complete fics that I had the motivation to write on new years eve sophomore year (ryan meets world) when I'm just not that person anymore =( like i used to write to avoid apush assignments now I go thru my drafts when I want to avoid college assignments. It's crazy.
@oneofthepotterheads maybe you should sit down and think about what you want to do you could rewrite them now or discontinue them and maybe start new stories for shows that your interested in now