
@Book_lover046 thnx ^.^ ❤️❤️


hey so… I'm doing this new thing called stepping out of my comfort zone, and i don't know whether ii should post a video of me singing my favorite song on youtube… please PLEASE I'm asking you're guys opinions… please reply so i know that I'm not forgotten and that people still read my book :/ it is my fault for the slow updates but I'm trying to get faster believe me :) 


you totally should, you never know who is watching xx


ok so im soo friken lost here!!! >.< need help on which fanfic i should update so if you want me to update any fanfic in my library please let me know. like if u want me to start my horror fic or update my phanfic or always and not a lot of u probs know who 5 Seconds oof Summer is so yeah but if u want me to update that fanfic comment below.!! wow i sound thirsty asking for your guys' comments lol haha but anyways, please comment!!! 