
I am a swimmer.
          	I can say this in confidence because when I think of not being able to swim, not being able to see my team every day, not being able to cheer for my family at every meet until my voice has left me, I cry. Full. On. Tears.
          	So tell me why, when I clearly have a shoulder injury that shows risk of leaving me with permanent damage. My coach continues to tell me to 'push through it'. Nothing else.
          	No, go get it checked out by a doctor or specialist. No, I'll find a way to help you stretch it. No, we'll find another stroke for you to do while your shoulders are healing. He truely believes I am lying about the sharp, I-want-to-bawl-my-eyes-out-but-I'll-keep-swimming, kind of pain. 
          	I do not understand. But I will try to because he's my coach. I'll do everything he says because I love my team, and I'll risk permanently injuring myself because I am afraid to disappoint them. 
          	I am a swimmer. And I love my team and the sport before I love and take care of myself.


@Wolf_Tale He understands that I'm in pain, except that he only practices the stroke that causes me pain rather than creating a variation in things that the team does. It's the repetitive motion that hurts.


@only_some_know_me Wow, that's really difficult... could you maybe get him a doctor's note or something so that he understands the gravity of the situation?


          	  That's interesting. Still don't risk your shoulder


((And here I was thinking that you already followed me v.v))


@Wolf_Tale well, normally the people who follow me are the people who I want to follow and I just went on a spree of following random people.


((@only_some_know_me XD I rarely follow anyone, and when I do it is regardless of whether they follow me or not.))


@Wolf_Tale I was, but I unfollowed everyone then refollowed the people that follow me XD


I am a swimmer.
          I can say this in confidence because when I think of not being able to swim, not being able to see my team every day, not being able to cheer for my family at every meet until my voice has left me, I cry. Full. On. Tears.
          So tell me why, when I clearly have a shoulder injury that shows risk of leaving me with permanent damage. My coach continues to tell me to 'push through it'. Nothing else.
          No, go get it checked out by a doctor or specialist. No, I'll find a way to help you stretch it. No, we'll find another stroke for you to do while your shoulders are healing. He truely believes I am lying about the sharp, I-want-to-bawl-my-eyes-out-but-I'll-keep-swimming, kind of pain. 
          I do not understand. But I will try to because he's my coach. I'll do everything he says because I love my team, and I'll risk permanently injuring myself because I am afraid to disappoint them. 
          I am a swimmer. And I love my team and the sport before I love and take care of myself.


@Wolf_Tale He understands that I'm in pain, except that he only practices the stroke that causes me pain rather than creating a variation in things that the team does. It's the repetitive motion that hurts.


@only_some_know_me Wow, that's really difficult... could you maybe get him a doctor's note or something so that he understands the gravity of the situation?


            That's interesting. Still don't risk your shoulder


Thanks for the follow~ (would totally follow back but I don't think I can)


 Yeah there is like 1000 XD or something 


When is midnight for everyone? 


@only_some_knows_me ((It all makes sense now XD))


@Wolf_Tale ((I was asking in reference to New Years XD))


@only_some_know_me ((What is this question?))


((I would join bellow but the oc I want to usevis currently being brought back after self destructing XD))


@GarwenTheBlueWolf ((Ah, she did disappear, didn't she.))


            ((Well it was kimmik that needed to confirm and she was that sick.
            Let me think for a bit))


[Intro to character, anyone welcome to post]
          The kingdom of Calcula, one of the most powerful and prosperous kingdoms in the world, has been under one ruler for over a thousand years. Under her strict guidance and protection, they have become a spectacle to behold. Massive, sweeping temples for the Goddesses of Darkness and Light, flourishing crops and livestock, and winding marketplaces known for their diversity in product and masterful quality. 
          Queen Noxaura Silva has never pushed the borders of her homeland, though her military force is more than capable of doing so. Her alliances spread all across the continent, only a select few have dared to resist her deals, the promises of protection and protection. All of the kingdoms grow warier of the immortal queen by the day. 
          She is a fair queen, well known for her quick smile and youthful face that often coaxes her enemies to underestimate her. Noxaura, with her extensive abilites with the element shadow, should never be underestimated. 
          She cupped a goblet of water in her left hand, the jewels pressed into her palm and the golden material smooth as Noxaura peered down at the peasant family below her. Noxaura, of course, had chosen the worst day to hear the words of those who needed her help and guidance. The day she needed to sleep, as she always did after a hard day of training. Noxaura was perched elegantly on her throne, a beam of sun illuminating her from a skylight high above, glittering when it hit the emerald jewels of her ring. 


@only_some_know_me ((sorry sorry It apears my post didn't send.
            Any way I have a few quotations  (just having a hard time understanding. I might have missed something) how did she manage to save her sword and dodge the attack when she only has human limitations  ((I might have forgotten the intro so sorry if you meantiond she did have above human speed))


            Noxaura realized her mistake the moment his wrist rotated to turn his blade. She dropped without a pause, her downward motion quickened by a gust of wind bringing her slamming into the ground, Miresi's blade cleaved the air above her head. Her blade had been partially severed; a cut had been made half way up the blade and carved into a jagged edge. She didn't take time to notice this however and Noxaura pushed herself away from Miresi with a force of powerful wind using Wind Cleaver. 
            The wind doubled as a shield of solid air, protecting Noxaura from any further attack from Miresi until she was well out of range of his sword. She kept pushing on the wind until Noxaura stood 100 meters away from Miresi, her Shadow Call perched on her lips as she had gathered enough energy to release it. 
            A dark wave rippled through the earth, so strong it would knock most immortal beings off their feet. This was the Shadow Call. A burst of Shadow Magic that attracted and bound any Shadow Creature to Noxaura and allow her to control them. The first would begin to arrive within a few seconds, more and more would come through the shadows [N1].
            Noxaura accessed the charges stored within her ring, now reaching four charges and began to gather a pool of shadow at her feet. It was just below the surface of the cobblestone, unseen to the eye until she chose to release it. Noxaura kept her face neutral at she lifted Wind Cleaver, the blade glinting in the sunlight [N2].
            [N1] Noxaura has released a Shadow Call, attracting and binding any Shadow Creature within 1,000 meters to her and allow her to control them. 
            [N2] She had begun to gather a pool of Shadow at her feet, unable to be seen by the eye until she wills it. 
            Shadow Call: (used)
            Arcia Ring: (used)


Eddies of snow swirled over the clearing, the wind howling in the trees that ringed the area. In the dark night the snow seemed to glow, the majority of the light obscured by dark, oppressive clouds that drifted overhead. A relatively flat area marked by a slight slope upwards to the north was surrounded by dense forest containing a mixture of deciduous and coniferous trees. The open area spanned approximately 150m (492.126ft) in its radius, with low shrubs dotting the last 15m (45.9318ft). 
          A lone figure approached from across the field, her footsteps light and silent even in the crunching snow. The sound of the wind and her downwind position obscured any noise or scent she might emit, ensuring that her exact location would be difficult to pinpoint. This was something that occurred subconsciously, a wariness born of too many battles. The woman's name was Frethya, and she was not attempting to hide. She was here for a battle, another reason entirely.
          Frethya would halt at a distance of 100m (328.084ft) away from the centre of the clearing, waiting for her opponent, should they choose to appear. Her white hair swirled in the wind, drifting back from her face as her bright blue eyes searched the area for the person that she intended to meet here. The darkness of the night did not bother her; she could see clearly in most low level light. A reflective membrane at the back of her eyes shone where the light hit it, similar to that of a cat. This allowed her to see where most would be unable to.  With her light skin, pale hair and bright armour, Frethya looked like a painting that had had its colour removed; her figure glowing against the backdrop of snow and icy flakes that whipped themselves against her face and armour. She barely noticed the cold or the light sting, her entire concentration focused on searching the area. 


@only_some_know_me ((oops, and fine XD.))


@Wolf_Tale ((She forgot Charlotte's axe, and go straight to your profile.))


Frethya quickly glanced over the daggers, counting them in a glance. Eleven to add to the one that had already been flung at her for a total of twelve. The daggers would be useful to her as a simple weapon, she would take them and the set of armour with her. 
            Raising her head, Frethya spread her hands, expanding the sphere of air until it encompassed Charlotte as well as the armour and daggers. The sphere of air would then lower in density, rising into the air. Frethya supplied it with strength, allowing it to lift Charlotte's body, the armour and the daggers that shine agains the snow [F4]. She glanced around the clearing to ensure nothing had been left behind, before beginning to walk forward, away from the churned snow that they had left as the sole offspring of their battle. Moving her hand as she walked, Frethya would direct the sphere of air to follow her. She would need to find medicines to heal Charlotte's body where she had struck her, and tinctures to ensure that she could not harm Frethya. For that, she would need an apothecary, one that did not deal in the normal trade. Frethya knew of the place to go, though she hadn't visited herself. News of the apothecary's remarkable abilities had spread throughout magic users, and it was these skills Frethya would need. 
            F4 Air Manipulation (1): Frethya's sphere of air has begun to lift the daggers, Charlotte and her armour, following Frethya as she moves. 
            ((Two options; we can post once more, or go straight to the book on my profile. Your choice.))


Bored :/ 


@only_some_know_me [Sure, I will attempt to, time depending. I hope your board is a suitable place, in your opinion.]


@Wolf_Tale [Do you mind posting first? My practice starts in fifteen minutes, so I'll just reply after I'm finished. Otherwise I won't be able to post until later.]