
Chapter 19 of Echo is now up!! It exists! This is real, this actually has finally happened. It's a thing that is real. Really. It actually is. Seriously. It's there now. In existence.


I am completely in love with your story echo and if you don't update soon I might die. PLEASE!!!!!! 


@nocternalprincess THANK YOU! Thank you so much, I really appreciate the kind words and I love that you love it. I am ever-attempting to get around to writing more, it'll happen! Promise!


My God, I'm simply in love with you and your writing style, and I must say, Echo has to be one of the best fanfiction I've ever read. So keep up the amazing work, and know that I might come running to you when Twelve loses Clara, bawling at the top of my lungs.


@KThierry AWWW, oh my, you are the coolest. Thank you so much I'm so flattered haha :') I will be here my friend, bawling my eyes out along with you. Thank you for reading!