I think Sundays are my least favorite because its all about getting back on that weekly schedule that I get off of because of the late nights my sister cousin and I keep on the weekends
I think Sundays are my least favorite because its all about getting back on that weekly schedule that I get off of because of the late nights my sister cousin and I keep on the weekends
Carly needs to get with it and realize that these things happen and she chose this life, so stop with the tears buttercup and figure out which kid you want to sacrifice this time.....
I am going to chulk my lack of rageiness on it being Christmas....I am always in a good mood this time of year. Ask me again a couple days into January although we do have the inauguration to look forward to and getting rid of Trump so that puts me in a good mood too.
I love my sister, she is always able to give me a different perspective other then whats on these sites I always wanna listen to her and give it up but I can't at this point.
A person who sits behind a computer screen and hurls insults as if she is the Queen B is the definition of a loser, plain and simple dismiss them and get on with your day.
Its the Holiday's people spread cheer and let the others drown in their obvious misery.