
hi my lovelies! just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing following the news this week. i’m devastated and it’s hit me so incredibly hard, as i’m sure it has everyone else. just want to remind you all that even though it doesn’t feel like it, this grief is ours and it’s okay to feel it. to grieve is a reminder that you’ve loved and been loved which is truly beautiful. 
          	i’ve spent the past few days trying to articulate and navigate all these feelings and ended up writing & posting a little something. if you’d like to read it, here’s the link: 
          	i hope you can find some comfort in my words, knowing you’re not alone in this grief. 
          	i hope you’re all taking care of yourselves. i miss you all more than you’ll ever know. hopefully i’ll be back soon!
          	z <3 


love you <3 wishing sm healing and love and light on our fandom!


Omg zoe its been so long but I appreciate you coming to check in on us so much. I hope you are doing well aswell <3


my calamity cravings are acting up idk what to do to satisfy it, i even tried to read some work that are kind of similar but NOTHING 


i still think about it years later when i listen to locked out of heaven 


 no cuz what tf happened to calamity i thought about it a couple days ago WHERE DID IT GO


hii baabes any ideas on why calamity got deleted? never got to read it in the first place but since wedlock is like my number one book atm i wanted to know the hype abt calamity too :((( thankuuu


if i’m not mistaken they planned to re-publish it bc they wanted to edit it but it’s been years now