
I thought I was just emotional because I’m a cancer but turns out I have borderline personality disorder— 


This is half based on the chapters you wrote and things I would kinda like to see (but in the end it is your choice
          - Grace can talk to animals (just like Snow) 
          - When Grace finds out snow and charming are her parents she becomes extra cautious of them, extra sweet and very polite.. because she doesn’t want them to be upset and regret having her as daughter..  kinda like how you are when you are trying to impress someone…because she kinda desperate for parental approval and parental love.. At first snow and charming think she is the easy twin (amongst her and Emma). But then they see how easy going Grace becomes with Hook and they kinda envy that  they don’t get to spend time with that version of her (especially David) 
          - Once they go back to storybrooke and Henry (Pan) spends a lot of time with Regina, Grace and Emma get close
          - In the enchanted forest Regina and  Grace develop a cute friendship..what started this friendship…they were both making fun of snow and charming
          - When Grace was in OZ she was the only one who was nice to Zelena and the only one who saw past her green skin.. this resulted in a friendship that would later become toxic… Zelena grew obsessed with Grace (kinda like how Regina was with Owen in season 1). First Zelena gives Grace magic, not light or dark just magic (in order to make more like her) and then Zelena killed Grace’s adoptive parents because she wanted Grace to see her as a mother..Grace realised that Zelena is extremely desperate and crazy and in order to escape her she wants to leave oz… that is when she ends up in Neverland..
          - In Neverland grace never revealed that she has powers because she is not proud of how she got them… not even pan knows..it t is only revealed in the enchanted forest when they come to face to face with the wicked witch


I don't know if you are still on Wattpad but I still love your book, and I am willing to wait 


@NutellaEmpress aww thank you so much :))


@onograce let me know whenever you need a dose of motivation, besides covers I am also good at coming up with unofficial onshots based on any fanfic (the catch is I just have to obsessed with story)... the official author of that story is free to be inspired or even use my one-shot... i so many situations I can see grace in (l  love her)


not sure if anyone will respond to this but i kinda really want to make a smut series loll that's all i want to write rn should i just do it is that okay


@onograce I used to watch Timeless every night with my family and I love it, that show definitely deserves more love 


another thing though is i would write smut scenes from future chapters of other stories i have/have coming ex: TRUST, Blind Justice, and a Timeless fanfic I've been working on in secret hehehe please check out timeless if you haven't heard of it and please fall in love with flynn


I say just go for it if you want to, I read that stuff sometimes if it pops up in a fanfic I’m reading 


Hey! Will you update your Bruce Wayne book?? I’m really enjoying it 


aww yeah of course <3 I had the next chapter already planned out but it’s been a while since I wrote anything for that book so I know I’ll want to go back and read all the chapters again to refresh my mind. also I might end up editing some of the old chapters before I update but I’ll definitely work on getting that updated soon!!


Reading fanfic on vr wtf am i doing


@ayenarah Yes, I can :) I just haven't had the motivation to write Trust recently but I have the next chapter planned out already so I can try to update it soon!


@onograce can you update trust