wondering if there's gonna be any new grell scenarios? no pressure but i recently reread it and I crave a lot more of grell and y/n's development together lol

@onyxtea it’s been 2 years ml I think you might’ve stopped thinking about this series .. has that spark of creativity happened yet (·•᷄_•᷅ )

@onyxtea Yes girlie get that motivation and inspiration! Take your time and stuff, Ill stick with what you gave these hungry readers <3

@dumb_gamer_ Hey there!! I have no plans of stopping. My almost chronic hiatus is never intentional, I've been having an extremely hard time being creative for as long as I could remember but I do love this project and I want to expand it even more! I also want to rewrite a lot of things and make the chapters easier to digest for the reader & their needs. Please never be afraid to ask questions, I appreciate you and everyone who has commented and taken the time to read this collection! Here's to hoping I'll have a burst of inspiration soon! - ♡