
Just finished writing another chapter for Grell Sutcliff Scenarios but Wattpad isn't letting me post it. Disregard this if you see it posted within the next few minutes, if not, I'll try tomorrow! 


@onyxtea I had a scenario where sebastian took in a cat, but soon grell catnaps it as a attempt for sebastian to fall in love with her(grell). all in good but no fun. but if you don't like the scenario, i'll just tune in if you ever post again!


@dumb_gamer_ Hi! No worries about being rude. I have a few chapters in my drafts and I would love to hear any suggestions if you have any!


dont mean to be rude but will there be a next one after "grell bites you"?Everybody can't stop laughing after it


wondering if there's gonna be any new grell scenarios? no pressure but i recently reread it and I crave a lot more of grell and y/n's development together lol


@onyxtea it’s been 2 years ml I think you might’ve stopped thinking about this series .. has that spark of creativity happened yet (·•᷄_•᷅ )


@onyxtea Yes girlie get that motivation and inspiration! Take your time and stuff, Ill stick with what you gave these hungry readers <3


@dumb_gamer_  Hey there!! I have no plans of stopping. My almost chronic hiatus is never intentional, I've been having an extremely hard time being creative for as long as I could remember but I do love this project and I want to expand it even more! I also want to rewrite a lot of things and make the chapters easier to digest for the reader & their needs. Please never be afraid to ask questions, I appreciate you and everyone who has commented and taken the time to read this collection!
            Here's to hoping I'll have a burst of inspiration soon! - ♡


aye. Just checking if your presence is still with us even if it is almost non-existent, As it is April 2022 and there is no activity on your account since July(last time you posted anything I think)I guess.


@onyxtea No problem! Hope your doing well :)


@dumb_gamer_ Hi there! I'm still here. :) I read all new comments and I check for them almost daily. I appreciate you reaching out! 


Just finished writing another chapter for Grell Sutcliff Scenarios but Wattpad isn't letting me post it. Disregard this if you see it posted within the next few minutes, if not, I'll try tomorrow! 


@onyxtea I had a scenario where sebastian took in a cat, but soon grell catnaps it as a attempt for sebastian to fall in love with her(grell). all in good but no fun. but if you don't like the scenario, i'll just tune in if you ever post again!


@dumb_gamer_ Hi! No worries about being rude. I have a few chapters in my drafts and I would love to hear any suggestions if you have any!


dont mean to be rude but will there be a next one after "grell bites you"?Everybody can't stop laughing after it


Hi! I just wanted to make sure you were okay since you haven’t been online for a while. If you have mentioned anything and I just missed it, could you tell me where it is? Don’t feel pressured to come back if you’re on a break or anything, just maybe let me know?


Thank you for replying and explaining! :)


@Chloe_The_Loser Hi there! Thank you so much for checking in on me, I really appreciate it. I didn't initially plan to take a break, however, the keyboard on my old laptop went out so it was difficult to write as much as I used to. I have a new one now and I've been planning out the new chapters to post. My only problem now is finding the time haha. I'm thinking I'll have new ones up in a few days! :)


I just received a notification from a comment saying my work "The Delivery Boy" was on Quotev, the notification mentioned plagiarism but when I clicked on it the comment was deleted. Wanted to let you all know I am @.opaltea on Quotev, and all of the works published belong to me. ♡