
Merry Christmas to everyone.
          	Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, I hope today is a day that is filled with happiness, friends and family. Today should be a day where we all are able to get through the day with happy thoughts and surroundings. I hope that everyone gets something today whether it be a present or just a few words. 
          	Enjoy yourselves today and be sure to smile.


Merry Christmas to everyone.
          Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, I hope today is a day that is filled with happiness, friends and family. Today should be a day where we all are able to get through the day with happy thoughts and surroundings. I hope that everyone gets something today whether it be a present or just a few words. 
          Enjoy yourselves today and be sure to smile.


Hey loveliez
          I was tagged again by @MG33Haz. So, let's get on with it because there is so much to answer.
          1. Meaning behind your url ~ Dunno
          2. Biggest weakness ~ Honestly, I don't know. Maybe Kpop?
          3. Biggest strength ~ Family and friends
          4. Piercings you have ~ None
          5. Favourite band ~ CNBlue
          6. Last dream you had ~ I was at a supernatural high school and we were in P.E. I was winning a game of octopus and then I just started flying around in the sky before making out with some random guy I saw on the street that looked like a Kpop idol.
          7. Phobia ~ Bugs
          8. Favourite Movie ~ Stand By me
          9. Colour of your hair ~ Black
          10. Favourite model ~ None
          11. Favourite flower ~ Rose
          12. Cats or dogs ~ Neither/both, I am allergic to both
          13. Favourite holiday ~ Christmas
          14. The last thing you ate ~ Toast.
          15. Your lucky number ~ 16
          16. Your name ~ Heleina
          17. Piercing you want ~ Ears!
          18. Idea of perfect date ~ Approval from mum and off to the movies we go!
          19. 5 things you hate ~ Thick skinned idiots, messy pencil cases, disorganised folders, stinky shoes/sock and bras.
          20. 5 things you love ~ My family, my friends, my blankie, computers/internet and music.
          21. A random fact ~ I have problems. Jk, A family member died on my birthday and I share my birthday with my late great grandma.
          22. Favourite item of jewellery ~ A necklace my mum gave me.
          23. Favourite body feature ~ My ass because I said so.
          24. Tattoos you want ~A skull on my shoulder blade.
          25. Favourite blogs ~ None
          26. What I love about myself ~ I am alive, I have a family and friends, I have an education and good grades, I live in a good house and I am able to be me.
          27. What I hate about myself ~ I can cause trouble or be in a conflict at the worst times.
          28. Favourite book ~ Again, I first think of Russian Roulette by @MayFreighter.
          29. Sweet or salted popcorn ~ Sweet.
          30. Someone you miss ~ My dad and grandma.


So, I kinda got tagged by my friend, @MG33Haz to do this.  Here I go :
          1. Your username ~ It is obviously OnyxVaha. You guys can call me Onyx though.
          2. Your eye colour ~ They are light brown, most of the time. 
          3. Your hair colour ~ Black and sometimes fluffy like a cloud.
          4. One fact about you ~ I like Kpop! 
          5.  Favourite colour ~ I have many. Black, white, grey and yellow.
          6. Favourite place ~ My bed (and Wattpad).
          7. Favourite Celebrity ~ I have a few but my main ones would be I.M from Monsta X, Ten from NCT and Will Smith
          8.  Favourite Animal ~ Bearded Dragon.
          9.  Favourite song ~ There are just too many.  Lotto and Monster by EXO, Hero, Stuck and Gone Bad by Monsta X, Hello Bitches by CL, Fire Truck by NCT 127, Fire, Save Me, Danger and Boy In Luv bt BTS, Stand By Me by Ben E. King, and Perfect Strangers by Jonas Blue and JP Cooper.
          10. Favourite book ~ I love so many books that it is so hard to figure out. Right now though, the first one that come to mind is Russian Roulette by @MayFreighter.
          So, now, I gotta tag 15 people :
          If any have you have done this already, don't bother doing it again. Hope you all enjoyed this and I will be wating everyone I tagged. 
          I hope everyone has a good day and stays healthy.
          Love ya <3


@shnookum_shnookum It is so quick and easy to do. I cannot wait to see what you answer :)


@MayFreighter it is honestly an amazing book. I wish you all the success you are aiming for.


Hey lovelies ^_^
          I want you guys to enter this contest NOW! You are all talented and take the chance. If you don't want to then you don't have to but bare and mind it's an amazing chance for each and every one of you. 
          The link is https://www.wattpad.com/story/61149936-dark-dangerous-killer-contests
          I hope you enter. 
          Love you ❤❤❤


@MayFreighter Your very welcome ^_^


Hey loveliz^_^
          I was just looking through my profile page and there's one thing that bothers me, my book cover for 'Lock and Gone'. I don't have time to make one and the book just seems un appealing so I was wondering if any of you loves could help me.
          I like anybody at all to make a cover for me and if I get more than one...
          Let's say I have an idea.
          I hope you all have an awesome day and that you will always be yourself.
          I love each and every one of you ❤❤❤❤


My friend @Durelen_Elnarsion tagged me so let's do this thing.
          1. Favourite Song : Hello Bitches and/or Hero (K-pop)
          2. Favourite Sport : Netball ^_^
          3. Favourite Band : There are too many that I love. Just know, none are 1D -.-
          4. Favourite Show : There are too many.
          5. Favourite Movie : Stand by Me
          6. Favourite Colour : Black and white.
          7. Favourite Food : Mango, coconut and/or taro.
          8. Favourite Drink : Coconut juice.
          9. Favourite Video game : Don't have one.
          I tag : 
          If you've already been tagged then don't worry.
          Sorry for the answers that weren't answers. I don't really choose favourites so this was kinda hard for me.
          Sending love to you all


@Winter1510 XD And you are now mine as well ^_^


You are my new best friend lol XD


I would like to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
          I hope that you have all had something beautiful in your lives and that, whatever it is keeps being beautiful and fills you with joy.
          We should all hope that 2016 isn't a repeat of the the last year but a new page chapter that has started.