
To my loyal readers I have two announcements to tell y'all. First off, I am currently rewritting and renaming my HP ff. Second, last night my grandmother became an angel and is now living in Heaven. So my family and I are dealing with her passing. On a brighter note, is anyone here excited for Finding Dory? I am :)


To my loyal readers I have two announcements to tell y'all. First off, I am currently rewritting and renaming my HP ff. Second, last night my grandmother became an angel and is now living in Heaven. So my family and I are dealing with her passing. On a brighter note, is anyone here excited for Finding Dory? I am :)


Hello all you beautiful people! I am so sorry for promising an update, but when that time came I didn't. A lot of personal issues have surfaced one after the other, then there's school work, and now a summer job coming up lol I will not promise again, but hopeful I'll have my story rewritten and posted before going back to school in the fall. Are any of you Kpop fans? I've been addicted to I.O.I's new song Crush and Oh My Girl's Liar Lair. ahaha ^^


I'm so sorry for not updating my story. I'm currently on vacation and shortly after I will be returning to college. Sometime before Christmas break, I will have the 'Under construction I'm where story' finished and up on here. Thank you so much for waiting! I've never thought that my story would have ever gotten so many views and people actually wanting to read it ahahaha >< 


I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been giving me lots of love and support towards my Harry Potter fanfic! I know that I haven't updated in forever and I'm sorry for those who are  waiting...I'm going to rewrite the fanfic a bit and then post the then complete story. I hope everyone will like it! Have a lovely day! :)