
Hey I’m sorry for not updating in a while and no one would probably read this, but I don’t know If I should continue my secret prince book?
          	Honestly after hearing the news that Technoblade Died from cancer I cried for more then 30 minutes already I’m trying really hard not to cry but it’s so hard to refrain myself, I slowly stopped watching the DSMP but I would watch a few of his streams and videos and I actually enjoyed it, so I’m just asking if I should even continue the book, bc honestly it doesn’t feel right to make a book with Technblade not that I’m against him or anything it just doesn’t feel right to continue making a book when you know the YouTuber you watched is unalive and people are still making fanfics with him, I feel like I would be disrespecting his wishes so I just wanted to ask and let you just in case you see me stopping my book.
          	Again RIP Technblade you will forever remain a Legend and the Blood God! “Technblade Never dies!” 


@oofers22 you can try to take break from it or make them as platonic only


Hey I’m sorry for not updating in a while and no one would probably read this, but I don’t know If I should continue my secret prince book?
          Honestly after hearing the news that Technoblade Died from cancer I cried for more then 30 minutes already I’m trying really hard not to cry but it’s so hard to refrain myself, I slowly stopped watching the DSMP but I would watch a few of his streams and videos and I actually enjoyed it, so I’m just asking if I should even continue the book, bc honestly it doesn’t feel right to make a book with Technblade not that I’m against him or anything it just doesn’t feel right to continue making a book when you know the YouTuber you watched is unalive and people are still making fanfics with him, I feel like I would be disrespecting his wishes so I just wanted to ask and let you just in case you see me stopping my book.
          Again RIP Technblade you will forever remain a Legend and the Blood God! “Technblade Never dies!” 


@oofers22 you can try to take break from it or make them as platonic only