haha.. doing 9 weeks worth of ap world homework rn (please kill me) (it's due tomorrow morning) (i have 3 midterms tomorrow that i haven't studied for)
haha.. doing 9 weeks worth of ap world homework rn (please kill me) (it's due tomorrow morning) (i have 3 midterms tomorrow that i haven't studied for)
@opalmarbles the characters literally live in my head rent free I love them sm ♥️
Also I have a headcanon that Colin Is the greatest homo of all time and thats also why his sh1tty "father" abused him (you may or May not ha e noticed how hes my fave♥️)
I may or any not have had a nightmare where you died and your mom called me to ask if I could come to the funeral and I may or may not have been crying about this since I woke up