
Hi! I just read your page, and I have been through the same thing with writing.. I'd write a chapter or two or Microsoft Word or in a free notebook, and then I'd give up because I would think it wasn't good enough, or I had another idea for another story different to the current story. So I would start again. I still have at least 20 half written stories saved on my laptop. I then completely lost confidence in writing, and stopped completely. Until, that is, I found Wattpad. Wattpad gives you the chance to share your work piece by piece, so you have a chance to get feedback from viewers about your work. And believe me, most of them are positive. All you need to do is follow people, gain followers to gain views, and you'll be up there in no time :) you just need to stay motivated. Oh, I'm 14 btw, and I have a book, called Prestidian or Prescott. I started it about two months ago, and it's reached almost 300 views! I hope to go further in future. If you'd like, you can check it out :) I hope this helped! 


@Aasiya974123 Wattpad in general helps immensely. My writing book itself is full of empty story ideas and it's nice to finally have a community that can actually feedback and give comments on books through the net. I did have one going, but there were complications that ended up in the book deleting. But I hope to get that restarted at some point this year. Thanks! :)