
Happy Monday everyone! Now that New Haven Nights is finally!! complete, I can move forward with Berkshire Nights which is set at the Kripalu meditation retreat in Western Massachusetts. I *love* this place. Here is one of my photos. Books 1 & 2 are done already. Let me know if you'd like to beta-read one or both before I start putting them live! What are you guys up to this fine day?


Happy Monday everyone! Now that New Haven Nights is finally!! complete, I can move forward with Berkshire Nights which is set at the Kripalu meditation retreat in Western Massachusetts. I *love* this place. Here is one of my photos. Books 1 & 2 are done already. Let me know if you'd like to beta-read one or both before I start putting them live! What are you guys up to this fine day?


Nice work !
          Hi, we have recently started with wattpad. Our first thriller suspense story is out! It will be great if you can check that out and give your feedback in the comments. Please follow us if you like our work. Thankyou for your time :)


Hurrah! Hurrah! Book 3 in the New Haven Nights series is live! Book 4 is ready to publish. If any of the beta-readers have last-minute comments on any of these, please let me know. I'm planning on publishing Book 4 this week, and then the New Haven series will be complete! I hope you're enjoying your July! https://www.amazon.com/Hope-Lost-Haven-Nights-Novella-ebook/dp/B08C7L4JCQ/


Spent the afternoon chatting with Jimmy Thomas, the amazing model featured in nearly all of my Nights series. We're planning out images for my upcoming Berkshires Nights series, which starts up once New Haven finishes next week. He's a wonderful human being.


Hurrah! Hurrah! After months of having New Haven Nights stalled, I was able to get in to the Newgate Copper Mine & Prison today!  It was an absolutely powerful experience. You're deep underground and every surface you walk on is twisting, turning, tilted non-level. This would play with your mind if you were in here for months. The acoustics were super-bizarre too. I'll now start writing Book 4 in that series! Let me know if you're interested in being a beta-reader. Thank you all for your patience!