
heyo! so i have decided to change my user to "opiakairos" because of my newfound love for pretty latin words.
          	some things to note:
          	1. some stories will be completely rewritten. for example, i was writing this greek zodiac series and i'm going to rewrite and tell those stories a different way. i'll probably keep most characters the same at their cores, but the plots were very rushed and immature, and my writing has mature quite a lot since i started them 5 years ago, haha
          	2. any accounts i founded/was a part of i 100% forgot all those passwords and we can safely say they are dead now oopsies. i want to start fresh, and if i join old accounts, i would love to do that of my own choice to restart, not because i'm already technically a member or whatnot. i will also not be founding any group accounts of any type for an unknown, probably long amount of time.
          	3. this account will specifically be a place for my original works, so no fanfiction will be present here. if you followed me for fanfiction and oneshots, i apologize as i would like to write novels now.
          	4. i'm 100% serious about the "if we used to be really close online friends hit me up because i wanna know how you're doing and i hope you're doing well" kinda vibe.
          	5. if you are a graphic designer or an editor i'm looking for someone to proofread my chapters before they are published and give me feedback and what not/i would like someone to make my covers as i found i am too lazy to try and learn how to graphic design again, haha!
          	6. if i was in a group account with you and it's still running and spots are open, also let me know about that because i would absolutely love to get inspired to write again with the wonderful group of people i once knew
          	think that's everything but i'm kind of flushing out some of the people i'm following for the sake that i have hundreds of notifications and i get more every single day and i'm overwhelmed to be back, haha!
          	much love,
          	rianne <3


heyo! so i have decided to change my user to "opiakairos" because of my newfound love for pretty latin words.
          some things to note:
          1. some stories will be completely rewritten. for example, i was writing this greek zodiac series and i'm going to rewrite and tell those stories a different way. i'll probably keep most characters the same at their cores, but the plots were very rushed and immature, and my writing has mature quite a lot since i started them 5 years ago, haha
          2. any accounts i founded/was a part of i 100% forgot all those passwords and we can safely say they are dead now oopsies. i want to start fresh, and if i join old accounts, i would love to do that of my own choice to restart, not because i'm already technically a member or whatnot. i will also not be founding any group accounts of any type for an unknown, probably long amount of time.
          3. this account will specifically be a place for my original works, so no fanfiction will be present here. if you followed me for fanfiction and oneshots, i apologize as i would like to write novels now.
          4. i'm 100% serious about the "if we used to be really close online friends hit me up because i wanna know how you're doing and i hope you're doing well" kinda vibe.
          5. if you are a graphic designer or an editor i'm looking for someone to proofread my chapters before they are published and give me feedback and what not/i would like someone to make my covers as i found i am too lazy to try and learn how to graphic design again, haha!
          6. if i was in a group account with you and it's still running and spots are open, also let me know about that because i would absolutely love to get inspired to write again with the wonderful group of people i once knew
          think that's everything but i'm kind of flushing out some of the people i'm following for the sake that i have hundreds of notifications and i get more every single day and i'm overwhelmed to be back, haha!
          much love,
          rianne <3


          i realized how much i miss all my online friends i met here and i'm sorry i disappeared.
          recap, I:
          -i was a drum major for my marching band, and i am going for center podium next year!
          -key club secretary, and will preside over the club next year!
          -my school's fta president, which i wil continue to be next year
          -served my second year on student council as the secretary instead of a representative
          -uh i joined winterguard this past season so i can kinda toss a rifle and flag and catch them
          if you wanna catch up, hmu on insta or discord :)
          i think i'll write more original stories, but who knows maybe i can partially relive some of my fanfic days oops
          -rianne :)


@rianniebrownie IT HONESTLY HAS!! i miss you all like crazy ahh it's been a crazy past few years ngl


OMG HI ITS BEEN A HOT MINUTE WOAHHH!! i missed you so much!


y'all it's been a whole minute
          eyyy wassup i kinda died and just stayed in the shadows reading and voting p much lol
          life has been heckkking busy with band, school, and clubs lol
          shout out to my key clubbers
          but i've been thinking about writing on my originals acc. or doing a fanfic acc. but i'm not sure yet bc summer is also pretty busy
          shout out to my friend with the sad boi stories though :)
          i might be back or i might vanish but ya girl isn't sure yet lol
          -rianne :) 
          (also i know i've been dead on discord i might drop by latet who knows)




@jovialrose happy birthday in advance ;-)