
Hi guys I'm really sorry for this but. I think I have to go on hiatus till i can you know sort the end it is a mess. I don't know how will I end the story and yeah I also have a ton of work to do so maybe by May or late April I'll start updating again. I'm very sorry that it has come to this but yeah I have to take a hiatus. Sorry again


Hello Author @optimus_prime71, hope it reaches you. I want to request that if possible can I get permission to use your fanfic for my YouTube video. I'll give all the credits as you want just let me know if you have any conditions. This is the link to my channel https://www.youtube.com/@TheWanderingZoro you can checkout if you wanna know more. I really hope for positive response. Also just wanna inform you that my channel is monetize, so if you are not comfortable with that do let me know.


Hi guys I'm really sorry for this but. I think I have to go on hiatus till i can you know sort the end it is a mess. I don't know how will I end the story and yeah I also have a ton of work to do so maybe by May or late April I'll start updating again. I'm very sorry that it has come to this but yeah I have to take a hiatus. Sorry again


Hi everyone I'm back and I am sorry that I didn't update. I had assignments and exam so yeah I didn't got the time to write and update. Sorry about that but, from next Sunday I'll start updating the story again.


@optimus_prime71 it's ok take You're time I can wait and welcome back :)