
Hello Everyone!!
          	As you may or may not of noticed but I recently deleted my original story: Northern Skies. Whenever I thought about certain parts of the story I would cringe inside, and as a beginning writer I felt that this story was not apart of me. I felt like it was just a bunch of words and chapters hastily strung together in an attempt to make a story. 
          	I will be starting one similar to that one soon, or maybe a whole different one, but I know for certain that this next story will be a piece of me, and it will be genuine. 
          	Thank you for my friends and family that has helped me with the beginning of this story, and the reads I have gotten, but It will be better the next time around!!
          	Thank you all and I will see you in the next story!!


Hello Everyone!!
          As you may or may not of noticed but I recently deleted my original story: Northern Skies. Whenever I thought about certain parts of the story I would cringe inside, and as a beginning writer I felt that this story was not apart of me. I felt like it was just a bunch of words and chapters hastily strung together in an attempt to make a story. 
          I will be starting one similar to that one soon, or maybe a whole different one, but I know for certain that this next story will be a piece of me, and it will be genuine. 
          Thank you for my friends and family that has helped me with the beginning of this story, and the reads I have gotten, but It will be better the next time around!!
          Thank you all and I will see you in the next story!!


Hey all!
          I just wanted to announce that yes I am still alive, and I have just been so extremely busy that I haven't updated! I will be posting more these next couple of days, so please stay tuned.
          I wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for over 400 reads on My first Destiel Story, and  200+ on my fan fiction, and for all the votes on both!! This is just too amazing, I never thought that I would get so many reads on My Destiel On-shot!!
          I just wanted to say I love you all and I promise to be updating soon!!


Holy crap thanks for over 200 reads on my Destiel fic I didn't even think it would get 30 lmao, and for the 10 votes i love u so much 
          I am going to post another chapter today on my two other stories gAWD. Ive been doing homework all morning so i am going to go eat, then watch an episode of Arrow then write a chapter on probably both stories i proMIsE


Hey everyone (all 7 of you...) I just wanted to say It might be a couple of days until the release of the next chapter(s) of both Northern Skies and Lost In Fiction. It's been a hell of a week this past week! I am working on it!  Thank you all for everything! ;D