Ayyy its Madi I was stopping by to say hi and to also say I love you all so muchhh this account is pretty much dead without Lily bc she Nevers comes on here but I'm sure you'll get to meet her check out my most famous story "Purity" - Madi @thatoneguyfinn
Ayyy its Madi I was stopping by to say hi and to also say I love you all so muchhh this account is pretty much dead without Lily bc she Nevers comes on here but I'm sure you'll get to meet her check out my most famous story "Purity" - Madi @thatoneguyfinn
Hey, it's Madi I'm going to create a story idea so that Lily can write it (aka @Vanilla_Sweetnr ) Lily I'm going to put it in our drafts write it whenever bc I know we both can be pretty busy just check into our drafts frequently bc I need to update Purity today love you (no homo) have fun with writing it out whenever