Hey! Is this Khushi Kandoi!? -_^

Sometimes, you just want to be alone. Alone from the world. Alone from the people around you. Alone from the people who are yet to text back. Alone, away from all the problems in your life. Alone from all the problems of other people that you know. Alone and away from everything. Just be with you. Yourself. Breathe and feel every breath. Every heartbeat. Feel the adrenaline rush in your ears and nerves. Feel the butterflies in your stomach The fast,racing heartbeats that would leave any Formula 1 behind. The blood rush to your face The 'heck I'm going to die' dialogue that starts playing on repeat in your head like a broken record as you do something you never imagined you'd do. Live. I know its hard. I know its hard the fact that you got poor marks in your exam. I know its hard the fact that your exam didn't go well. I know its hard the fact that you and your mom had a big fight which resulted in both of you saying things you didn't mean. I know its hard seeing your best friend give her boyfriend/ girlfriend more time and more priority then you. I know its hard watching the person you love fall in love with someone else. But breathe It won't last long. I promise. I'm there for you. I believe in you. I promise. Forever and Always.

@sayitaloud thankyou so much and ofcourse i will, im open for suggestions anytime and always

Sorry guys I had to unpublish my story 'Lord Save Us'. I was having technical issues. I posted it again...I would love it if u guys could vote it and comment again. Thank you.

❦❦ Hey there oracle987! I've stumbled upon your profile and was just wondering if you'd mind reading my story called "Have Hope, Hailey"? It's a new story I've started recently. Even if you don't read it, thank you. Have a nice day, ❦❦ Ps. Thanks again, haha

@annettex77 omg the story is sooooo good !!!! Thankyou for reccommending it to me! Update as soon as you can :)

Thanks for reading One Cappuccino Please all the way through and voting on it!

@UnitedFandoms100 it is an amazing story!!! How could i not read it and vote on it? Keep it up!! :)

@vanillabeansticks read One Cappuccino Please

hi, can you please read, vote, comment and reccomend my story. i belive youll like it thank you.

@nezzaahat oh i SO will! I cant miss out on a great story now can i? What kinda person will i be then?

hey there! Mind checking out my new story named see you around? It'll make me so very happy if you can do so, as well as leave votes and comments too xoxo have a nice day

uhhh hi? umm.. happy new years I guess. u survived. yay. sorry for being this awkward right now. umm okay I need to go now, finals coming up. yay life

@KisaCreated ikr! SO awesome! I so do not feel like selling my life for 1 galleon on amazon