you look at me, I look at you.
one year ago, we were at the same place at the same time as right now.
only one year ago. how much can change in one year?
you look at me while you kiss your new girfriend.
why does it hurt, even though I‘m over you?
why does it hurt, even though I don‘t want you anymore?
why does it hurt?
why did you hurt me?
why couldn‘t you treat me as good as you treat her?
you said you were friends, but you also told me that you had a crush on her for like forever.
why would you say that to me?
you knew how insecure I was about everything.
and at the moment I finally gained confidence, you come around again and destroy everything again.
destroy my happy night out with my best friends.
destroy everything like you always do.
I hate you.
I hate you so much.
why do you keep looking at my way?
I‘m making jokes about you, but deep down, I‘m hurt. everything hurts. badly.
I just want to die right now.