
Hey guys! So, if you're reading this, you have some kind of knowledge of my story's existence. Speaking of said story, you may or may not have noticed that it is now unpublished. That's because I'm not feeling very motivated to write it, and I don't think that I'm really suited in taking Unwritten in the direction it was originally intended to go. Keep your eyes open though, it may be published again as an edited version? Or perhaps a whole new story altogether? I'll keep all of you posted :) But I just want to thank all of you for all your support! I appreciate it more than you know :)


Hey guys! So, if you're reading this, you have some kind of knowledge of my story's existence. Speaking of said story, you may or may not have noticed that it is now unpublished. That's because I'm not feeling very motivated to write it, and I don't think that I'm really suited in taking Unwritten in the direction it was originally intended to go. Keep your eyes open though, it may be published again as an edited version? Or perhaps a whole new story altogether? I'll keep all of you posted :) But I just want to thank all of you for all your support! I appreciate it more than you know :)


Well hello there lovely humans! We just reached 700+ reads on Unwritten!! :) I really appreciate every single read, and every single one of you that took a moment or two to read my story! Even though I haven't been very active/update-y, I will be! All of your support makes me want to keep writing :) Thank you guys all so much xx You guys deserve an update (which I am in the process of currently writing!)


Why'd you pick orangebinx as your name? I always wondered XD


@iBwittney Aw, that's really cute :D


Just like my name iBwittney. People called me Bwittney in elementary school because of my cute, high voice, and treated me like a little kid, even though I'm so TALL XD 5'5. I still have the high voice, and I kept Bwittney because it sounded adorkable even though I hated it :3 I like orange too, btw


@iBwittney Well orangebinx is pretty much my user for everything XD Fave colour + my nickname :) It's been around for years :p


Wooh, guys, I just found Unwritten on the paranormal undiscovered section! And I also updated if you guys would like to take a look ;) I just wanted to thank all of you guys who kept reading and who are supporting my story :)