
So, haha, guess I kind of put all of my books back up again and posted a whole bunch of new chapters. Haha. Yeah. idk. read all you like, i sure appreciate it. None of the new chapters have been edited yet, and I haven't worked on them in months. I have a new method so Wattpad won't randomly delete chapters, but it will take me a while to get more chapters up. I've completely forgotten huge pieces of the plot, and who any of the characters are. My plans right now are to leave these up, see what happens, and hopefully, eventually, get to the point where I'm writing new chapters.


So, haha, guess I kind of put all of my books back up again and posted a whole bunch of new chapters. Haha. Yeah. idk. read all you like, i sure appreciate it. None of the new chapters have been edited yet, and I haven't worked on them in months. I have a new method so Wattpad won't randomly delete chapters, but it will take me a while to get more chapters up. I've completely forgotten huge pieces of the plot, and who any of the characters are. My plans right now are to leave these up, see what happens, and hopefully, eventually, get to the point where I'm writing new chapters.


One month until I am 14! Bleh, I am so old right?


@kerrytrashnumber1 Because, I went to go transfer my book to Google Docs so that I can edit it before publishing, and I realized that Wattpad had deleted whole chapters and sections from the book.


@kerrytrashnumber1 I will not be updating my books anymore, on Wattpad anyway. If you hadn't noticed, neither of them are online anywhere.


Okay, so you guys may have noticed that I took If Only It Was As Simple As Happily Ever After off of Wattpad. I am editing it, and as each chapter is done I will put it back up before finally publishing it. Sorry to anybody who was in the middle of it.


Hi guys! 
          Go follow @Mutt_1066 and read his book, it's freaking AMAZING! Unlike me, he actually knows how to write.


@kerrytrashnumber1 And he is still better than me so go read his book.


@orangebirdy82  Oh please, your an amazing writer.


True to my word, I have two new chapters of If Only It Was As Simple As Happily Ever After done, and the first chapter of What Dreams Are Made Of. I don't know when I will be able to get them up, but hopefully it will be soon enough, though it could be a whole week before I get the change.


So, I'm heading out of town for the weekend, and because of that I will not be uploading any new chapters, because my editing software is at home computer. I will be continuing to work on If Only It Was As Simple As Happily Ever After, and What Dreams Are Made Of, I just can't upload them until I get home.


So, if anybody read Chapter 29, I took it down and added to it. Apparently, when I published it, it didn't publish the entire chapter, and there is an entire other half of the chapter that nobody has read yet. It is not up yet, but it will be up once I get the computer with my editing software I use from my brother. Which might be a while.