so i’ll go back to LA
and my so called friends
who will write books about me
if i ever make it
and wonder about the only soul
who can tell which smiles i’m faking
so i’ll go back to LA
and my so called friends
who will write books about me
if i ever make it
and wonder about the only soul
who can tell which smiles i’m faking
“cause tonight i feel like an astronaut
sending SOS from this tiny box
and i lost all signal when i lifted off
now i’m stuck out here and the world forgot
can i please come down?” -Astronaut by Simple Plan (/ly)
college is the best and also literally sucks so much ✌️ im meeting so many new cool people and having so much fun but also my major specific professors are TOTAL assholes and have made me effectively hate the major in two days
@xX-JustPeachy-Xx I LOVE ENGINEERING it’s this specific type of engineering where the professors are assholes literally every other engineering major has nice professors