Okey, hi guys! I am really loving this website. Some stories are seriousy AMAZING! How can some pople write like that surprises me a lot. Anyway, i am from Argentina but i LOVE speaking in english LOL.
Here are some books i read and totally liked:
- House of Night
- The Mortal Instruments
- Hush Hush
- Fallen
- The Selection
- The Hunger Games
- Strange Angels
- Divergent
- Halo
- Matched
- The Fault In Our Stars
Emmmm ... what else can i tell you?? I like reading a lot (duh!), but honestly i can be like an entire day reading non-stop. I cant stop until i finsh a book, i NEED to know what happens! So you may imagine how i´m suffering here with some of the stories i´m curretly reading. UPDATE REGULARLY PLEASE!
Well that were some boring things about me, you should know my life is not interesting at all.
Here are some (very little) things i have in my Bucket List:
1- Kiss someone in front of a crowd
2- Write a book (i try but i suck at writing)
3- Get to know someone famous
4- Get drunk (i´m kind of a goody-goody but NOT a nerd)
5- Go to the Globe and watch a Shakespeare play
I´m still working on my Bucket List so dont judge me if it is small
Love you all!!!
P.S: You can call me Ella if you want)
- انضمSeptember 29, 2013
قم بالتسجيل كي تنضم إلى أكبر مجتمع لرواية القصص
Dec 31, 2013 01:00PM
@starstruck1601 thank you a lot. Sorry my reply is a little late ... Im still learning how to use Wattpad heheعرض جميع المحادثات