
Say her name; Sonya Massey
          	a 36 year old black mother of two, who called police, told them she loved them, thanked them and welcomed them into her home only to be shot 3 times in the face after she was on the ground. an unarmed woman, who stood in her kitchen taking boiling water off the stove like the officer told her to do, when the white officer shot her while he stood in her living room. The officer who didn’t turn his body cam on until after shooting her. then proceeded to make a crude joke when his partner says he’s going to get his aid kit, by saying “it doesn’t matter that’s a head shot.” 


and Springfield Illinois police allowed her family to believe she was shot by a neighbor who had previously had disputes with her, then allowed them to believe it was self inflicted before her son found out the next day on the news that it was not only a police officer but a deputy who shot and killed his mother 


Say her name; Sonya Massey
          a 36 year old black mother of two, who called police, told them she loved them, thanked them and welcomed them into her home only to be shot 3 times in the face after she was on the ground. an unarmed woman, who stood in her kitchen taking boiling water off the stove like the officer told her to do, when the white officer shot her while he stood in her living room. The officer who didn’t turn his body cam on until after shooting her. then proceeded to make a crude joke when his partner says he’s going to get his aid kit, by saying “it doesn’t matter that’s a head shot.” 


and Springfield Illinois police allowed her family to believe she was shot by a neighbor who had previously had disputes with her, then allowed them to believe it was self inflicted before her son found out the next day on the news that it was not only a police officer but a deputy who shot and killed his mother 


please someone drop a link for me to watch twisters because i need to watch it again but i refuse to go to the movies again 


@orphicdreamer- https://myflixerz.to/watch-movie/twisters-111355.10565074 !! such a safe site, just make sure you have an adblocker and X out of any tabs it ight try to open, but ultimately if you have adblocker you'll be safe!


In the most respectful way possible, please stop asking me to update. I have been updating constantly. And for some reason my computer is kicking me off of Wattpad whenever I get a ton of comments so it takes away from time to write. I am trying to write a bunch of chapters before the finale starts so I can publish them during commercial breaks. I will get it updated I swear


people were still asking me to update even once when I had updated 7 times in 24 hours. you’re doing great! you’re so talented, so please don’t burn yourself out and stay on pace with what your mind will allow 


I love that you all love Amelie & Rob’s story but I’m doing my best and when I feel rushed my writing sucks! So bare with me 


girllll you’re book has got ahold of me rn, every few mins i’m back on here refreshing to see if you’ve updated❤️


@catreads47 she’s FEEDING us and i’m livin for it


@olemissbabe_ she is FEEDING us and i’m loving itttt


literally same i'm obsessed


I apologize in advance for how many updates of false god will be out within the next 24 hours. I want to get as much posted before the finale because once the finale airs I feel the hype around the season will die down and I want to write while it’s still popular! 


no need to apologize!!! i absolutely LOVE this fic and am always looking forward to seeing the new update notification for it!!! :))) you are such a talented writer!!!